Thinking of you now and forever......

Created by Crystal 9 years ago
Mom, I miss you. More than any spoken or written words can describe. I think of you every day. You were my best friend, my mom, it has always been you and me against the world. We comforted each other when things seemed bleak, we encouraged each other during the dark times and we made each other laugh in good and bad times. It just seems so unreal that I will never see your beautiful face or hear your infectious laugh in person and on this plane again. Everything seems just a little less special and a little bit darker without you. I know you were sick but you were sick my entire life, I thought you would overcome everything. You always did. I’m sorry I didn’t say goodbye. Even the last day you were alive, I knew there was a possibility that the end was near, but I had a glimmer of hope and saying goodbye would have gone against that. I’m sorry I yelled at you for but eating your soup, I was just determined for you to get better. I wanted so hard to pretend that you were recovering. Everything I did was because I loved you, just as you loved me. Until that magical day that our energies meet again, my love, I will think of and miss you my beloved mommy. Signed your grief stricken daughter Crystal.